Tag Archives: personal injury attorney

Injured Student Assumed the Risk of Sports Injury
The Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court recently affirmed a trial court’s ruling dismissing a personal injury case brought by a student against a teammate, his coach and his high school for an injury he suffered in the locker room after hockey practice. The court’s March 20 ruling in Litz v. Clinton… Read More »

City Is Not Liable for EMT’s Failure to Help Woman Who Later Died from an Asthma Attack
In 2009, Eutisha Rennix suffered an asthma attack while working at Au Bon Pain in Brooklyn. Her coworkers notified the two uniformed EMTs who were in the restaurant at the time. The EMTs called the incident into the dispatch center, but they did not attempt to help or check on Rennix since they had… Read More »

Highway Construction and Fuel on the Floor
A couple of personal injury lawsuits against New York City were recently resolved in the courts. One case resulted in a jury award of $7.25 million for the injured plaintiff and his wife. In the other case, the court refused to hold the City liable for its worker’s on-the-job injury. Lack of Signage Causes… Read More »

New Rules Make It Harder to Claim New York No-Fault Insurance Benefits
The Fourth Amendment to 11 NYCRR 65-3, adopted on January 30, took effect earlier this month. This amendment to the New York Code, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) is favorable to the insurance industry, and the effect of this amendment will be to cut down on the number of claims that can be filed for… Read More »