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NYC Personal Injury > Practice Areas > Premises Liability > Trip and Fall > Pothole Trip-and-Fall Accidents

Dedicated New York Attorney Helping Victims of NYC Pothole Trip-and-Fall Accidents

New York City streets and sidewalks are in a constant state of destruction and maintenance. Uneven pavement, cracks, sinkholes, and potholes are distressingly common. If you are riding a bike or electric scooter, or even just walking along the sidewalk, you are at risk of tripping over a pothole and hitting the cement face-first. Pothole trip-and-fall accidents are no laughing matter; serious injury can easily occur.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a pothole trip-and-fall accident in New York, it’s important to talk to a premises liability attorney as soon as possible. Claims against the city require special procedures and have shorter timer limits, and it’s easy to lose out on your right to compensation due to a technicality. After a sidewalk or city street trip-and-fall, contact the New York personal injury lawyer Leandros A. Vrionedes to find out if you have a claim for damages.

Who Is Responsible for Pothole Injuries in New York?

When you trip and fall inside someone’s home, or in a building open to the public, liability is relatively clear: Who owns or operates the building? Did their action or inaction create a hazard that hurt you? If so, they can be held responsible for your injuries.

When you are hurt outside of a building, matters can quickly become more complicated. If you tripped over a pothole or other sidewalk defect, before you can recover compensation, you need to identify the responsible party. In New York, identifying the responsible party requires an in-depth understanding of New York municipal law, safety regulations, and personal injury law. You can trust NY premises liability lawyer Leandros A. Vrionedes to investigate the circumstance of your fall and identify the proper party to hold liable for your injuries.

In New York City, sidewalk liability turns on the location of the sidewalk and the type of buildings nearby. As of 2003, sidewalks that abut commercial buildings must be maintained by the building owners. The Administrative Code explicitly holds building owners responsible for unsafe conditions on their sidewalks. If you tripped over a pothole, crack, uneven pavement, or other sidewalk defect outside of most buildings in the city, you can hold the building owner liable for your damages.

The so-called “Sidewalk Law” is meant to put the burden of sidewalk maintenance on commercial building owners and landlords, not to impose a serious burden on homeowners. If the building abutting the sidewalk is an owner-occupied residence that is a one-, two-, or three-family home, then the city takes responsibility for sidewalk maintenance and upkeep. Likewise, a sidewalk on public property is the responsibility of the city. If you tripped over a pothole on city property or in a residential neighborhood, you may be able to hold the city liable for your injuries. Talk to an experienced sidewalk injury attorney to find out who the responsible parties are in your case.

Common Sidewalk Trip and Fall Injuries

The zealous sidewalk accident attorney Leandros A. Vrionedes helps accident victims recover compensation for all types of trip-and-fall injuries. We’ll fight to maximize your recovery after your pothole accident, ensuring you get the medical care, lost wages, and other damages you deserve. In our experience, the most common sidewalk trip-and-fall injuries include the following:

  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Sprains, sprains, and muscle tears
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Severe scrapes and bruises
  • Broken or knocked-out teeth
  • Broken hip
  • Dislocated joints
  • Back injury
  • Head injury
  • Hand, wrist, and elbow injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Coma

Whatever the nature of your injuries, call injury lawyer Leandros A. Vrionedes for advice and assistance. We stand by our clients from day one until they get the recovery they deserve.

Contact New York Premises Liability Attorney Leandros A. Vrionedes after a Pothole Trip & Fall

For legal help in pursuing a claim for money damages after a pothole trip-and-fall accident or other injury, contact the thorough and professional NYC personal injury lawyer Leandros A. Vrionedes for a free consultation on your claims by calling 212-889-9362 or using our online contact forms.

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