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NYC Personal Injury > Practice Areas > Construction Accidents

New York Construction Accident Lawyer

The Law Firm of Leandros A. Vrionedes, P.C. represents construction workers who have suffered work-related injuries while working at construction sites. Construction injuries can range in severity from minor injuries to severe injuries that result in permanent disability, paralysis, or even death. Although individuals may seek compensation for work-related injuries through workers’ compensation, sometimes workers’ compensation benefits do not sufficiently cover all of the expenses employees incur. You may need the assistance of a New York construction accident lawyer to help you recover damages.

At the Law Firm of Leandros A. Vrionedes, P.C., we zealously advocate on our clients’ behalf to maximize their recovery in construction-related accidents. We seek recovery against property owners, contractors, various manufacturers, engineers, and architects who are responsible for our clients’ injuries.

Construction Accidents

Thousands of construction workers sustain serious injuries or are killed in accidents each year. An injury at a construction site may lead to liability on the part of the owners, contractors, architects and manufacturers of equipment who are responsible for the safety of the site. The owner, general contractor and all subcontractors are required by law to provide a reasonably safe site, but unfortunately often safety is overlooked and accidents occur. Accidents such as a fall from a ladder, scaffold or other height are actionable.

The manufacturers of construction equipment may be liable for injuries that result from unsafe products. Dangerous products cases often involve defective scaffolding, unsafe cranes, power tools, forklifts, back hoes, and various other types of construction equipment.

Since construction workers are exposed to dangers daily, it is not surprising that they have some of the highest work related injuries, including scaffold accidents, mishandling of heavy loads, misuse of machinery and tools, exposures to various hazards including electricity, radiation, toxic material, and noise. The results of these exposures often includes damage to skin and other body parts, air embolisms, asbestosis, Caisson disease, Silicosis, and many more diseases. However, workplace falls are the leading causes of death in the work environment. Over 200 people die every year from high falls off ladders and scaffolds. Workers compensation is not always enough to treat your injury or disability or to take care of you and your family. Individual companies are not always willing to give you what you deserve.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have set standards to help construction sites adequately protect their employees. Historically, OSHA has been unable to reduce the number of injuries and deaths among construction workers. These statistics are evident in spite of the fact that the organization focuses a large amount of its funding into the enforcement of safety standards on construction sites.

If you or someone you know was injured on the job at a construction site in the New York City area, call an experienced construction accident lawyer of Leandros A Vrionedes, P.C.

Common Types of Construction Accidents

The construction industry is one of the most dangerous industries for workers, where employees are exposed to numerous dangers on a daily basis. In particular, New York is a very metropolitan, urban area where multiple construction projects are simultaneously in progress, heightening the risk of construction-related accidents. Some of the types of construction accidents that commonly occur include:

  • Scaffolding accidents
  • Workers falling from elevated places
  • Workers being struck by equipment or falling objects
  • Forklift injuries
  • Crane accidents
  • Injuries from using power tools
  • Injuries connected to the use of ladders and stairways
  • Trenching and excavation-related accidents
  • Electrical hazards
  • Toxic exposure

For more information on different types of construction accidents and ways to prevent such accidents, please see the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) website.

Individuals at Risk of Harm

In addition to construction workers, non-employees are at risk of suffering construction-related injuries as well. People who are susceptible to injuries at construction sites include on-site visitors, passers-by, children, and other individuals who are temporarily at the site. Depending on the specific factual circumstances, these individuals might be able to file a claim and recover against the responsible, negligent party.

Safety Standards

Both New York State and the federal government have regulations regarding workplace safety. These rules establish standards that employees should generally follow to protect the health and safety of their employees. New York’s Labor Law, Article 7, Section 200 provides general provisions regarding workplace safety. Additionally, under 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1926, the federal government has promulgated a series of regulations; some pertaining to the employers’ responsibilities of establishing safe construction sites for employees.

Schedule A Free Consultation With A New York City Construction Accident Lawyer

If you have been involved in a construction-related accident, it is important to obtain the assistance of an experienced new york city construction accidents lawyer. An attorney whose expertise includes construction accident cases can help you recover medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Contact The Law Firm of Leandros A. Vrionedes, P.C. today for legal assistance.

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