New Rules Make It Harder to Claim New York No-Fault Insurance Benefits

The Fourth Amendment to 11 NYCRR 65-3, adopted on January 30, took effect earlier this month. This amendment to the New York Code, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) is favorable to the insurance industry, and the effect of this amendment will be to cut down on the number of claims that can be filed for no-fault insurance benefits, and to make it harder in some cases to complete a claim successfully.
This amendment deals specifically with claims for personal injury protection (PIP) benefits regulated by the Department of Insurance. The pro-insurance company changes brought about by this amendment include:
- No payment for services that are not actually provided
- No payment for fees in excess of the fee schedule
- Denial of claim by insurer may be valid even if there is a defect or omission in the denial
- Denial of claim if a request for information is not answered within 120 days
Don’t Try to Handle Your Car Accident Claim Alone
As a New York personal injury attorney who frequently represent people injured in New York City automobile accidents, Leandros Vrionedes understands how no-fault insurance law and personal injury protection regulations can affect your auto accident personal injury claim. If you have been injured in a car, truck or bus accident in New York City, contact Leandros A. Vrionedes, P.C. to understand your rights and obligations and the compensation that may be due to you.