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Category Archives: General Personal Injury

Guy with a bandaged face

Victim Can Sue Based on Serious Disfigurement

By Leandros Vrionedes |

Victims of Manhattan car accidents can’t file a lawsuit against the at-fault party unless they can show that their injuries are serious. In a recent New York car accident case, a taxi cab passenger injured in a rear-end crash won the right to pursue a lawsuit against the drivers based on suffering a disfiguring… Read More »

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briefcase that reads case closed

Accident Victim’s Lawsuit Dismissed for Failure to Show Proof of Serious Injury

By Leandros Vrionedes |

Not every New York car accident victim has the right to file a lawsuit based on the injuries they received in the crash. A recent decision by a judge in the Suffolk County Supreme Court provides an example of when courts will reject the claims of an accident victim who can’t produce evidence of… Read More »

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Police car Crash

Emergency Doctrine Shields NYPD Officer from Liability for Wrong-Way Crash

By Leandros Vrionedes |

Police officers, ambulance drivers, and firefighters are immune from liability for accidents that occur while the driver is en route to an emergency. However, when emergency personnel drive in such a reckless way that bystanders are put at an unreasonable risk of harm, this immunity disappears. A case that came before the Kings County… Read More »

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Cartoon charactor about to step in pothole

Claim against City Fails for Lack of Notice

By Leandros Vrionedes |

The City of New York does not make it easy to file a claim for personal injury damages against it. A claimant needs representation from an attorney who is highly experienced in prosecuting accident claims against the city. Not only will a knowledgeable New York municipal liability lawyer understand the technical requirements of filing… Read More »

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worker falls

Elevator Shaft Fall Kills Manhattan Construction Worker

By Leandros Vrionedes |

A recent accident has taken the life of a worker on a Manhattan construction site. The death comes as New York City Council members debate a bill that would require safety training and participation in an apprentice program for the city’s construction workers. Fall occurs under unclear circumstances The recent accident occurred at a… Read More »

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Golfer walking

Golfer Injured on the Course from Trip-and-Fall

By Leandros Vrionedes |

Participants in sports or other dangerous activities are often barred from filing a lawsuit based on injuries they suffered while playing the sport. A recent decision by the Second Department of the New York Appellate Division is an example of when injury victims can still sue after they’re hurt while playing a sport. Trip-and-fall… Read More »

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Claim denied

Court Rejects Claims of Accident Victim where Defendant Did Not Have Notice of Problem

By Leandros Vrionedes |

While injury accidents are often the result of careless or dangerous behavior, not every accident will serve as a basis for a claim for damages. It takes a well-educated and prudent New York injury attorney to help you decide whether or not to file a lawsuit based on your accident. In a recent case… Read More »

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worker on top of a roof

Appellate Division Decides General Contractor Had Authority over Subcontractor’s Worker

By Leandros Vrionedes |

One question that often determines whether a company is liable for a worker’s injuries in a claim based on New York Labor Law § 200 is whether the company being sued had authority and control over the work being done. The Second Department of the New York Appellate Division (including Richmond, Kings, Queens, Nassau… Read More »

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Manhole Explosion

East Harlem Manhole Explosion Injures Two Workers

By Leandros Vrionedes |

A recent accident involving a manhole injured two individuals on the job for Consolidated Edison. Manhole accidents are surprisingly common events and can cause major injuries to their victims. Read on to learn more about manhole accidents and the injuries they can cause, and contact a dedicated Manhattan personal injury lawyer if you’ve been… Read More »

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Worker on scaffold

Court Dismisses Claims of Subcontractor Plaintiff

By Leandros Vrionedes |

In a recent personal injury claim based on New York’s Scaffold Law, a trial judge for the Supreme Court in New York County dismissed the claims of a subcontractor determined to be the only person responsible for his injuries. Injuries received while constructing a scaffold The case of Merendino v. Costco Wholesale Corp. was… Read More »

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